Friday, February 12, 2010

What kind of germ do mice carry?

Ina ddition to the answers of far add:

Murine typhus


SalmonellaWhat kind of germ do mice carry?
Rickettsia typhi- causes Murine typhus, Congolian red fever, red fever, endemic typhus, flea-borne typhus

salmonella typhi- causes Salmonellosis or typhoid

Yerisella pestis- causes plague

Cordylobia anthropophaga- causes a boil-like furuncular myiasis

Trypanosoma cruzi- causes South American trypanosomiasis

Leptospira interrogans-acquired by contact with the urine of infected rats;

Hantavirus- virus is spread by deer mice

Toxoplasmosis is caused by cats and dogs and not ratsWhat kind of germ do mice carry?
They can harbor all kinds of nasty things and the fleas they cary too! One of the worst things is the hanta (sp?) virus. It killed a couple of farm workers here a few years ago.
bubonic plague...
plage virus
The Black Plague
Rodents carry salmonella. That is why we advise customers not to(or) let children kiss or hold hamsters, pet rats, gerbils, etc, next to the face. It is also advisable to have a product like

Germ X nearby, don't let children 5 and under handle rodents and to always wash with soap and water.
micious germs
many kind, one of them is typus

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